Resource Budget Management

Resource Budget Management

Before using any service endpoints, you must configure and manage your resource budget. The following functions from src/services/Skynet.ts handle budget management:

Create initial budget

const createBudget = async (appName: string, subnetId: string) => {
    const skyNode = await getSkyNode();

    if (!process.env.PROJECT_ID) {
        return {
            success: false,
            nftId: "",
            appId: 0

    const contractApp = {
        nftID: process.env.PROJECT_ID!,
        appID: "",
        appName: `${appName}`,
        appPath: Buffer.from(STORAGE_TYPE.LIGHTHOUSE + '/').toString('hex'),
        modPath: Buffer.from(STORAGE_TYPE.LIGHTHOUSE + '/').toString('hex'),
        appSubnetConfig: [{
            resourceType: [1],
            resourceCount: [1],
            multiplier: [1]
        subnetList: [subnetId],
        cidLock: false

    const subscriptionParam = {
        licenseAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        supportAddress: "0x3C904a5f23f868f309a6DB2a428529F33848f517",
        platformAddress: "0xBC6200490F4bFC9092eA2987Ddb1Df478997e0cd",
        referralAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        createTime: 0

    const createTimeResp = await skyNode.dripRateManager.getSubscriptionParam(process.env.PROJECT_ID!);
    if (createTimeResp?.success && > 0) {
        subscriptionParam.createTime =;

    const createAppResponse = await skyNode.appManager.createApp(
            licenseFactor: 0,
            supportFactor: 0,
            platformFactor: 0,
            referralFactor: 0,
            discountFactor: 0,
            referralExpiryDuration: 0,
            createTime: 0,
            daoRate: 0
        [etherToWei(Number(process.env.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_BUDGET!), 18).toString()],
            modAttribVar: {},
            contractParam: {},
            loggerURL: ""
        async (status) => {
            if (status === CRUD_APP_STAGE.CREATE_SUCCESSFUL) {
                console.log("status", status);
        { fetchAppList: true, fetchSubscriptionParam: true, fetchBalanceForSubscription: true, getDeploymentStatus: false }
    return createAppResponse;

Verify and Auto-top up Budget

const verifyBudget = async (appName: string, subnetId: string) => {
    const appList = await fetchApps();
    if (!appList) return false;
    const subnetList = appList.flatMap(app => app.subnetList);
    if (!subnetList.includes(subnetId)) {
        await createBudget(appName, subnetId);
        return true;
    const verifyBudgetResponse = await getSubnetBalance(subnetId);

    if (verifyBudgetResponse && Number(verifyBudgetResponse) < (Number(process.env.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_BUDGET!) * 0.5)) {
        await addBudget(subnetId);
        return true;
    return true;

Add More Budget

const addBudget = async (subnetId: string) => {
    const skyNode = await getSkyNode();
    const valueInWei = ethers.utils.parseEther(process.env.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_BUDGET!);
    const addbalanceRespose = await skyNode.contractService.SkynetWrapper.addBalanceByBuyingXCT(
        { value: valueInWei }
    return addbalanceRespose;

Required environment variables for budget management:

PROVIDER_RPC=            # Your RPC provider URL
AGENT_PRIVATE_KEY=       # Your wallet private key
PROJECT_ID=              # Your project NFT ID
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_BUDGET= # Default budget amount in ETH

Example usage:

// Before making API calls, verify budget
await verifyBudget("MyApp", "4");
  • Ensure sufficient budget is maintained to use the service endpoints

  • The system automatically tops up when balance falls below 50% of DEFAULT_RESOURCE_BUDGET

  • Initial budget creation is required for first-time subnet usage

  • Budget management functions require proper wallet configuration with sufficient funds

Last updated