Skynet Token
The Skynet token ($SKY) is crucial to the ecosystem's operation and serves as the primary currency for transactions within the protocol. It also plays a significant role in supporting Subnet and global DAO operations.
There exist various use cases for the token within the protocol, including but not limited to:
Mint $SKYUSD, a stablecoin used for payments by any resource provider integrating through a subnet.
Payment for resources.
Tokens are used for staking to increase the reputation associated with resource providers integrating into the protocol.
Participation in Governance.
Incentives for bringing onboard resources.
Qualification for Airdrops of new projects built on top of Skynet.
Please be aware that not all projects will use $SKY for their Airdrop qualification criteria.
The Skynet token is the lifeblood driving the protocol and its ecosystem forward.
Last updated